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Minerva Vasquez

Minerva  Vasquez
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    Minerva is a dedicated real estate professional with a passion for helping her clients achieve their homeownership dreams. Originally from Hawthorne, CA, she made the pivotal decision to relocate to Menifee in 2007, where she has since established deep roots within the community.

    As a mother of four wonderful children, comprising two boys and two girls, Minerva’s journey into real estate is a testament to her relentless dedication and determination. Her career path began in 2013 when, after the birth of her fourth child, she embarked on a new chapter by obtaining her real estate license. With seven years of experience in the real estate industry, Minerva has consistently displayed a remarkable commitment to her clients’ needs and aspirations.

    Minerva’s thirst for knowledge is unceasing, driving her to stay at the forefront of industry trends and advancements. This dedication ensures that her clients benefit from the most up-to-date market insights and expertise.

    Beyond her professional endeavors, Minerva treasures quality time spent with her family. They share a passion for adventure, whether embarking on road trips, savoring new culinary experiences, hiking in the great outdoors, or enjoying serene days at the beach. As avid supporters of their youngest son’s baseball journey, they also relish the camaraderie and excitement of the baseball field.

    In her role as a real estate professional, Minerva excels at the art of finding the perfect home for her clients. She is dedicated to understanding their unique needs and guiding them through the intricacies of the real estate process. Minerva derives immense satisfaction from taking clients on home previews and helping them envision the endless possibilities of homeownership.

    For Minerva, open houses are a particular delight, as they provide a platform to connect with and assist a diverse range of individuals. Meeting these wonderful people fuels her dedication to delivering exceptional service in the real estate arena.

    With Minerva as your trusted realtor, you can be confident in her ability to navigate the real estate landscape while making the journey enjoyable and rewarding.


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